Friday, January 9, 2009

I gots the creepy crud.

I don't know what's going on today, but I suddenly, like within 30 minutes felt like i'd been hit by a truck! I made it out the door to work, and was hit but a frigid gust of wind, and was officially aware of how awful I felt. I really hate calling out of work sick, so I mustered up enough strength to go ahead, only to stay for 45 minutes and back home, to the bed I went! I had 2 really big blankets on me, thick wool socks, pants, long sleeve t-shirt, and was STILL freezing! I cranked the heat up and nothing helped. Sure enough, I had a very low fever of 99.7. Enough to make me feel crummy. I had chills and goosebumps, was slightly dizzy and was achy all over, not cool. I did have a flu shot back in November so i'm wondering if I didn't have that done, would I have felt worse? I feel a LOT better right now, maybe it was a 10 hour bug? Or maybe Motrin is hiding all of my symptoms right now and it will hit me like a ton of bricks when it runs out. I sure hope that it goes away for good by 8am tomorrow morning because a girl has to work! Right now i'm just super duper tired.

I do apologize for not posting something recently, and the last few posts have been non eventful links to songs and such, I did have a fabulous Christmas, I hope you all did as well. It was nice and UN-eventful, which is always appreciated. It was just a nice quiet evening with Uriah, and we had a big breakfast and opened our gifts. I was very excited to actually surprise Uriah this year with a gift. It is extremely hard to get one over on him. I purchased (2) 8x10 photos of our wedding, black and white pictures of us saying our vows to each other, and I also purchased a Garmin nuvi 200w GPS! Let me just tell you, it is amazing and I have no idea how we got around without it. It is so cool! Need to find a carribbean themed restaurant? Gas station? Shopping? Hospital? Just click on 'points of interest' and there you have it. Fabulous. Just fabulous. We also enjoyed a post Christmas dinner with our old Neighbors who moved down the street and had a lovely dinner at their house. It was very delicious and I could have possibly been bitten slightly by the 'baby bug'...i'm just sayin'. They have a cute little 4 month old, and a 4 year old who is so well behaved. I haven't been around many 4 year olds, but he just seems very well behaved, and very artistic for his age. We also had a New Years Day dinner with them (at my house this time), where we enjoyed losts of good food and a new board game.

Anyway, I think my poor husband is done shopping for my craving of blueberry waffles at the store now, so i'm gonna go eat. I didn't really have an appetite for anything much after eating soup galore today, waffles sounded delicious, and so out he went. I couldn't have asked for a better husband. He even took care of Tuff for me today. Oh, I am so blessed.

Be on the watch for some pictures in the next couple of days!




Jenn said...

Watch out for that baby bug because trust me once it hit I have found it VERY hard to get rid of. It also doesn't help when it seems everyone around you is starting to pop out babies. So watch out for that as well because it just makes the bug getting bigger.

Jenn said...

I also meant to say hope you feel better soon! How's the new barn working out with your horse??